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The following document will govern the contractual relationship between the User and the Service Provider for products and services offered on the webpage . Accepting the present document means that the User: a. Has read and understood the contents of this document. b. Is a person with sufficient capacity to sign a contract of this type. c. Assumes all the obligations specified herein, The present Conditions will have an indefinite period of validity and will be applicable to all the products and services offered through the webpage . The Service Provider reserves the right to modify the present Conditions unilaterally with no consequence for orders placed prior to modification.


The Parties involved in this contract are: The Service Provider, who delivers products and services ordered by the customer and is identified as follows: • Company name: STARMUS UNIVERSE 2007 SL, hereinafter STARMUS • VAT number: B20942017 • Postal address: C / Risco del Perro 1, 38370 La Matanza de Acentejo (Santa Cruz de Tenerife) España. • Telephone: +34671329369 • Email: [email protected] The User, who voluntarily provides his or her personal data by filling in one of the forms on the website and is liable for the veracity of the data supplied to the Service Provider.


The subject matter of the present contract is the regulation of the relationship between the Service Provider and the User. The contract begins when the User accepts these Conditions by checking the corresponding box during online purchase. The contract entails the delivery of a specific service in exchange for payment of certain price, publicly announced on the website. Starmus V will be the largest festival organised by STARMUS UNIVERSE 2007 SL so far: an international star-studded gathering of scientists, artists, musicians, writers, business leaders who will come together to render tribute to the 50th anniversary of Moon landing and to celebrate science. It will be a thrilling sequence of lectures, concerts, debates, parties and learning. The tickets bought through include: • access to all the lectures in the Samsung Hall • cofee breaks • access to the ceremony of The Stephen Hawking Medal Award for Science Communication to be celebrated in Hallenstadium • access to STAR PARTY • access to Jean Michel Jarre’s concert at Samsung Hall • access to other events of the festival that may be organised and that are not labelled as not included in the programme • documents and passes for the event All prices include VAT or the corresponding tax. The tickets do not include accommodation, tourist excursions, travel costs and personal insurance. More information will be provided regarding artists and concerts on a later date. The programme and contributors (speakers, artists, etc.) may be subject to change due to causes beyond the control of STARMUS. Changes in the programme or last-minute cancellations of one or more speakers or contributors do not imply the termination of this contract. Therefore, the User who signs this Contract by accepting the present Conditions desists from any claims against STARMUS UNIVERSE 2007 S.L. for changes in the programme or contributors.

PRICING Student tickets: 450 EUR until April 30, 550 EUR from May 1 to May 31 and 750 Eur from June 1. Tickets will be available until one day before the festival. Please note that given the limited capacity of the venue tickets may sell out before that date.
Tickets for the general public: 900 EUR until April 30, 1000 EUR from May 1 to May 31 and 1.200 Eur from June 1. Tickets will be available until one day before the festival. Please note that given the limited capacity of the venue tickets may sell out before that date.

STUDENT POLICY • The student discount is applicable to all university students (graduate, post-graduate etc.) with a valid student ID. • If you do not have a student ID card, please bring a letter from your principal on headed paper stating that you attend their school. • Middle- and high-school students are welcome. We understand that not all schools use student cards, therefore, you should bring your passport or identity document to prove your age. All underage students must be accompanied by an adult. • Children under 14 are welcome to attend for free provided they are accompanied by an adult who has purchased an adult ticket. The purchase of one adult ticket allows one child under 14 free of charge. • Given the complexity of the programmed content, it is not recommended to people under 12.


The purchase is realised via webpage. Online orders will be carried out through online shop platform following the instructions that can be found therein. The User must accept the present Conditions before completing the online order. To place the online order, the User must introduce the required personal data in the corresponding boxes of the forms on the webpage. The User must provide the required personal data freely and voluntarily. In compliance with the Spanish Law of Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce 34/2002 (Art. 27), the procedure of online purchase shall require the following steps: 1. Choose the events in which you wish to participate 2. After you select the event you wish to purchase, a summary of your order will appear in the “shopping cart” tab. 3. Identification. Introduce your personal data (required fields: name and surname, postal address, city, country and email address) and create an account. 4. Address. You can change the delivery or billing address, if they are different from the one you specified when creating your account. Click “Continue” to proceed. 5. Shipping costs. There are no shipping costs due to the nature of the service. Check the box to accept the general sales conditions and click “Conitnue” to proceed. 6. Form of payment. Click “Secure payment” if you wish to pay for your order directly with a credit card. Our system guarantees the safety of the transaction. 7. Confirmation. Once your order is validated, we will send you a confirmation email including your name, description of the event, its price, location, date and time. 8. The order must be paid before the start of the event. Official invoice will be sent only upon request after the event free of charge.


The Spanish Legislation allows a period of FOURTEEN DAYS from the moment of placing the order to exercise the right to withdrawal. After that time, the following rules will apply for the Users who cancel their orders: All cancellation and change requests must be addressed in written form to the secretary of the festival at any stage prior to or during the event. All necessary refunds will be made after the festival (EUR). Fees will be refunded after the conference (EUR), according to the following policy: • Cancellations received before March 15th, 2019: Refund minus 10 % of total amount paid. • Cancellations received between March 16th, 2019 and April 15th 2019: Refund minus 25% of total amount paid. • Cancellations received between April 16th, 2019 and May 15th 2019: Refund minus 50% of total amount paid. • Cancellations received after May 16th, 2019: There will be a charge of 100 % of the total amount paid. • Organisers shall not be liable for refunds should your Visas not be obtained.


Anything not specifically covered in the present Conditions will be governed by the Spanish legislation. The Service Provider and the User agree to submit any dispute that may arise from service or product delivery to the Courts and Tribunals of the registered address of the Service Provider. Irrespective of the language in which the User may be reading the present contract, the Spanish version of the contract will prevail and govern the contractual relationship between the Company and the User. By accepting the present contract, the User agrees to acknowledge the Spanish version of the present contract as legally binding.

IMPORTANT It is strongly recommended that the participants buy insurance to cover loss (including registration fees) incurred in case of cancellation, medical expenses and loss of personal effects. The Organiser of the event will not accept liability for personal injuries or for loss or damage to property belonging to participants, either during or as a result of the programme. Illegal reselling of (or attempt to resell) a ticket constitutes a ground for confiscation or cancellation of the ticket in question without refund or any other type of compensation.