Stars about Starmus

I greatly enjoyed the STARMUS festival. It is a combination of science and rock music, both of which I love. I hope there is a STARMUS next year, and you invite me. In a world beset by so many terrible problems, and so lacking in solutions, STARMUS offers a ray of hope. Starmus confirms its position as a unique debating chamber for the future of the human race.

Let us hope that our grandchildren at our age can look back and say, “The 20th century was a century of advancement and improvement in technology, and the 21st century was a century of advancement and improvement in human character.

Starmus is the most inspiring festival ever. I have seen people crying from hapiness. It was extraordinary. I met students who told me that they went to University thanks to an enormous inspiration they received from Starmus. Thousands of people have charged their batteries, felt happy and inspired at Starmus. I am honoured to be a part of Starmus, to support and work with Starmus together with Stephen Hawking, Brian May, Garik Israelian and many friends. It was one one of the most exciting periods in my life.

Starmus is a wonderful experience. Its a dream to bring astronomers, astronauts, scientists, musicians and artists together. The results have been unbelievable from the very first Starmus. It was the most amazing experience that can never be repeated. I cannot wait ! Hope to see you all at Starmus!

Starmus: a uniquely exhilarating conference. Astronauts meet Nobel scientists meet musicians like Brian May & Brian Eno. Like TED on rocket fuel, science conference supercharged by the world’s astronauts.

Starmus: looking also at the microscopic life universe. Starmus: also a universe of microcosms

Forget the Oscars ! Starmus is the place to be !

Starmus is a festival for the left side of your brain, for the right side, for your eyes, your ears and your heart. It melds intellectual talks by Nobelists and other scientists with talks about exploration and bravery from Cosmonauts and Astronauts, and bouys the spirit with great music. It's the perfect venue for me to interact with audiences to awaken a cosmic perspective that trivializes the differences among us and feeds our curiosity about life beyond Earth.

It is an honor and a privilege for me to return to Starmus VI as a lecturer. Starmus is one of the most stimulating events that I attend. All of the speakers and panels are the tops with Nobel Laureates to Astronauts and cosmonauts topped off with wonderful entertainment. Don’t miss it.

Starmus is an idea – a gathering to celebrate the depths -- and heights -- of human creativity.

Musicians explore and define what exists inside us, astronomers explore and define what exists outside of us – That’s what I love about Starmus. Very inspiring and original festival.

I love STARMUS, a rare gathering of world-wide people to better see our planet and everything beyond. Looking forward to being there!

STARMUS - The most fun I have ever had in Space.

The Starmus festival holds serious gravity in it. Perhaps the heaviest event I ever weighed in on. It’s presenters are the most intelligent and interesting minds in the world, and their hearts are as huge as their IQs

STARMUS: A star studded festival with a truly cosmic perspective!

Starmus is a wonderful festival. I love attending it, and am honored to be invited to speak.

The idea of bringing music and science together is brilliant, and it works! The talks are “rocking” like the music, and they are inspiring with important take home messages. Starmus is just very exciting and worth every minute spent at the festival !

Thank you, thank you (10th times !) for such an amazing event for Science ! I have become so privilaged to join and meet some of the most amazing minds of our times. Humanity needs you to do what you have done in Starmus - that way lies hope for our better future.

Thank you so much for including me in this incredible festival. What an opportunity to meet incredible people. hear music out of this world and learn about science on earth and in the Stars!

Starmus is an exciting combination of intellectual exploration with music and other entertainment - and so many famous people to meet and talk with! Take the time to talk with the people you are interested in. Don't just hit and run for a photo op. Amazing, historical and unforgettable event.

I love STARMUS, a rare gathering of world-wide people to better see our planet and everything beyond. Looking forward to being there!

The STARMUS V Festival creates a unique opportunity for science to interact with the arts, music and the expression of ideas, providing stimulation of new thought. Particularly noteworthy will be the interaction of Nobel Laurates from many fields with Apollo astronauts who walked on the Moon and all who continue to decipher the mysteries of lunar evolution and its relation to the history of life on Earth.