Our distinguished speakers keep contributing new ideas and insights even before the festival! Nobel Prize winner Dr. May-Britt Moser agreed to answer the three Starmus questions and share her ideas with our community.
What’s so special about Starmus?
The idea of bringing music and science together is brilliant, and it works! The talks are “rocking” like the music, and they are inspiring with important take home messages. The Starmus this year will be even more spectacular – celebrating 50 years since the humans made their first steps on the moon!
Many people, especially those attending Starmus for the first time, are interested mainly in meeting the speakers, talking to them personally, asking for an autograph, taking a selfie… What would you recommend to someone who attends Starmus for the first time?
I would recommend to attend as many of the talks as possible, the exhibitions and the concerts! Starmus is just very exciting and worth every minute spent at the festival!
Can you recommend one thing every person on the planet can do to improve our future?
We might ask ourselves whether we can change anything in our lives so that our foot-print on the earth will not be so big. We are all able to care about the nature and other people, and being good models for the future generations.
Thank you so much Professor Moser! We look forward to your concert-lecture at Starmus V!